Our garage is a mess. No shelves to put anything on. So...this last weekend Steve "went to town" building shelves for the garage. My fella can sure build shelves! They look fantastic!! And sturdy...we could jump on these shelves and they wouldn't come down.
On the third day (ominous voice) disaster struck. Or could have. Steve did a ladder switcharoo and had the ladder that leans against the wall instead of the six foot step ladder. He couldn't get enough traction with the step ladder to screw the 3-4 inch screws all the way into studs.
Josie was down for a nap and Bella and I went outside to see if we could help. She was sitting in a chair watching dad work and I was standing next to him when all of a sudden the ladder (that he was on) came crashing down. With him on it...all the way down. I squealed. He didn't say a word. It was scary because he did not say any choice words at any time. :-) You know it's bad when there are no choice words.
He was laying on the ladder and I say, "Are you ok?" Silly to ask...it's the first response of someone who has witnessed something that could be 911 worthy and basically means, "Can you answer me? Are you breathing? Did you puncture a lung? You are not alone...I am here and will take you to the ER or call 911"? I repeated this question and the response I heard was a moan.
The ladder actually got caught on the 6 inch cement ledge. Steve slid off the ladder and eventually said, "I'm not sure. I'm checking." (To answer my repeated "are you ok" question). My concern was a punctured lung if he had landed on the drill he was holding when he went down. Or broken ribs from landing on the ladder. He was trying to figure out why he didn't hurt as badly as he thought he would.
Turns out after an internal check the worst pain he felt was his ring finger. He pulled off his glove and his wedding band was smashed into an oval. His finger was swollen. After a few minutes of trying to decide whether or not to go to the ER to get the ring cut off or if his finger was not swelling that much we found the pliers and he squished his ring back to somewhat of a circle and he worked it off. What a blessing!!!!! His ring saved his finger from certain death of being crushed between the ladder and the cement ledge. WOW!!! He is scraped up a little on his leg, his ribs are sore, and his ring finger is cut up a little from his ring but no major injuries.
God is good!!!!!
And within the hour he was out again finishing the shelves!!!
Titanium wedding bands are the bomb! He wouldn't have even needed the pliers after!!