Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh how the personalities differ...

I was outside raking rocks the other day....seem to do that frequently...we HAD a rock farm. Glorious day=SOD!! SOD rocks!!!!
Bella and Josie were with me while I was doing some last minute raking of the rocks to get the ground ready for the sod coming later that morning. Belle says, "oh stop mom...I saw a rock shaped like a heart!" She proceeded to dig through the rocks until she found the magical heart shaped rock. "Mama, I found the heart shaped rock!!" Getting excited for her I told her how rare and special it was to find a heart shaped rock.
Not wanting to be outdone by her big sister...or maybe not wanting to feel left out of the rare and magical rock finding. Josie started digging through the rocks. Success! She ran to me with a rock in her hand. Excitedly exclaiming, "Mama, I found a poop rock!" I took a look. Yep, it really was a poop shaped rock. I laughed and let her know that she had a rare and magical rock too.
Bella's stage of life: dreams can come true. There is magic in the world.
Josie's stage of life: potty training.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 fairy....Rumplestisken

I just wanted to know if anyone else out there buys a cookbook hoping that the deliciousness will end up on your table. I'm hoping for osmosis...Rumplestilsken, or some little cooking fairy. :-)
I'll let you know if that happens. I'll be singing "Oh Happy Day"!

Horse Named Charlie

I'm just reminding myself of this. We were in the car the other day after walking for a little bit and Bella said to me, "Moma...I have a horse in my leg and his name's Charlie!" I just laughed. SOOOO funny.
She has since had The Horse Named Charlie in her arm, other leg, and head. :-)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Paper airplanes

Bella wanted a paper airplane a week or so ago. I stink at paper airplanes. My sister and I tried to make them when we were kids...they never all. We couldn't figure out what all the hub bub was about them. So totally not fun.

Since I knew I couldn't make one I found a "how to" book at the library. It took me 2 weeks of perusing the book to finally decide to get down to business and make one. It took me an hour and a half, 7-8 attempts, a glimmer of why these are fun, and several almost swear words...and I still had not made one (from the beginner section) that actually worked well. During that hour and a half Steve and Kenzi had to duck and cover several times. (I had to test each one repeatedly. I was running all over the place. They were fond of going down the stairs, into my plant, the sink, dive bombing straight down, going straight up and right back at me...or whoever was behind me [Steve]. Behind the computer desk where I smacked my head on the wall in my haste to recover said fragile flower.) They seemed especially fond of seeking Steve out. I was so totally not aiming at him either. I even stood right next to him and threw so they wouldn't come back and whack him in the face. But they still did. :-/ I even made only the blunt-ended ones so it wouldn't hurt so much when they did their Steve-seeking. AND I figured if the little kidlets were throwing them and the planes were directionally challenged that perhaps there would be less tears with the blunt ends. (I'm a thinker.)

After one of my frustrated exclamations Steve said, "Give me a piece of paper." Turns out he made the dang things when he was a kid. It took him like 30 seconds to remember how to do it and he made 3. Chelsea and Jasmine...I think my "Chucky face" might have made an appearance there. *Colleen smacks head repeatedly against wall...then starts smacking Steve's head against wall as well. :-)

They were a lot of fun though...later after frustration ebbed. We'll see how Bella does with them tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The things kids learn these days...

Texting!!!! Why, oh why can't we just call? Shame on me for saying that...I feel so antiquated. :-) Tangent: It was kind of nice in the "old days" when you didn't hear from someone you knew they couldn't afford the long distance charge or they just got busy and didn't have time to call (because phones used to be tethered to the wall ya know?). So many reasons not to get a call.

No writing letters...make a call. No can text. No don't like me? Oh, I know...CAN'T text I have carpal tunnel! Yeah, that's it. :-) Heavy sigh of remembrance of the "old days".

Ok...un-tangent. The things kids learn. Specifically, Bella and Josie and text alert sounds! My little girlie's have learned to hum Beethoven's Fifth, TransSiberian Orchestra, and several other classical-type artists. We even went online to learn about some of these composers. We were in the car one day. I was flipping through stations and Bella said, "Hey mom, that was Mozart!" Sniffle! I am so proud!

Josie has learned that "There's no crying is baseball!" (A League of Their Own) And that someone named "goose" always wants to "talk to me". (From Top Gun..."Talk to me Goose!")

They both have been known to say "It's so fluffy!!!! Does this count as annoying?"...and they start smacking their cheeks making "annoying" noises. (Despicable Me).

They can both go "beer da near near near near near near..da near near near near near" (song from Robin Hood animated movie...where Robin Hood is a fox. Little John's a bear. Prince John is an annoying Lion who sucks his thumb)

They can even sing the Tigger theme song!

No problem! They're learning and memorizing...this is good. As soon as my phone goes off I hear them mimicking what they hear...what a fun learning tool.

I got a sound the other day. It made me laugh so hard I almost cried. I changed my text sound immediately. It's a little Irish leprechaun and he his little Irish accent, "Holy crap, it's a text." I guess you gotta hear it because it SOUNDS way funnier than it types. Except when a 2 year old and 5 year old start saying it. GAH!!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rocking out to Hercules.

Bella was in the playroom the other day playing one of her favorite cd games. It's from the kids movie Hercules. She just pops that disc in and off she goes. Josie likes to watch.

I was in the living room working on the computer. I don't know if you know these kid games...they go through bits of the movie and have all kinds of games to play throughout. Plus you get all the songs from the movie playing throughout as well. I soon became aware that she was singing to one of the Hercules songs. She was getting louder and louder...really belting it out. :-) It was so cute. Her little voice was squeaking as she hit those high notes.

It dawned on me to video her. By the time I got in there she had finished her song and was moving onto another game. Darn it. Next time I'm ready. I have the video camera within easy reach to grab and run down the hall and capture her on tape. She will love it when I pull this out to show her first date...or at Young Womenhood Recognition night...or at her wedding...or mission farewell. he he he

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bella's favorite letter

I have started "home" preschool with Bella. This last week was "L" week. We were at the dinner table the other night...just me, Bella, Josie, and Jaz. Bella and I were telling Jasmine what we had done that day for "preschool". (Bella is very cute in preschool...she says "I'll help you mom. I know you've never been a teacher before!)

Anyway...Jaz asked her what her favorite letter was. Belle has been in preschool and she had done up to letter K before Christmas. We were just picking up where they left off. Bella stopped talking and just sat there thinking a minute. It was cute. I, she's really thinking about what letter she likes the best. I thought maybe she would say "I" or "B" for Isabella or Bella. After a while she said, "I know my favorite's M O M". WHAT A SWEET GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! And smart...we haven't even done those letter yet. Just gave her hugs and kisses all over...little sweet sugar baby.

Bella was there when I told Steve about it. She was very proud of herself. She thought for a minute and said, "I have another favorite letter....D A D." She knows how to get a big hug.