Texting!!!! Why, oh why can't we just call? Shame on me for saying that...I feel so antiquated. :-) Tangent: It was kind of nice in the "old days" when you didn't hear from someone you knew they couldn't afford the long distance charge or they just got busy and didn't have time to call (because phones used to be tethered to the wall ya know?). So many reasons not to get a call.
No writing letters...make a call. No calls...you can text. No texts...um...ESP?...you don't like me? Oh, I know...CAN'T text I have carpal tunnel! Yeah, that's it. :-) Heavy sigh of remembrance of the "old days".
Ok...un-tangent. The things kids learn. Specifically, Bella and Josie and text alert sounds! My little girlie's have learned to hum Beethoven's Fifth, TransSiberian Orchestra, and several other classical-type artists. We even went online to learn about some of these composers. We were in the car one day. I was flipping through stations and Bella said, "Hey mom, that was Mozart!" Sniffle! I am so proud!
Josie has learned that "There's no crying is baseball!" (A League of Their Own) And that someone named "goose" always wants to "talk to me". (From Top Gun..."Talk to me Goose!")
They both have been known to say "It's so fluffy!!!! Does this count as annoying?"...and they start smacking their cheeks making "annoying" noises. (Despicable Me).
They can both go "beer da near near near near near near..da near near near near near" (song from Robin Hood animated movie...where Robin Hood is a fox. Little John's a bear. Prince John is an annoying Lion who sucks his thumb)
They can even sing the Tigger theme song!
No problem! They're learning and memorizing...this is good. As soon as my phone goes off I hear them mimicking what they hear...what a fun learning tool.
I got a sound the other day. It made me laugh so hard I almost cried. I changed my text sound immediately. It's a little Irish leprechaun and he says...in his little Irish accent, "Holy crap, it's a text." I guess you gotta hear it because it SOUNDS way funnier than it types. Except when a 2 year old and 5 year old start saying it. GAH!!!!!!
You have the smartest kids!! You must be a wonderful mom!!!