Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We are moved in! Yippee :-) It is so nice to have our own place again. Although, as I said before, the moving across town thing drags out. We still have stuff at Steve's mom's house. Sheesh!

Our beautiful large yard has no grass...and it has rained several times. Do you know what I discovered? Josie likes to eat mud. :-O By the handful.

OH....also she has discovered a taste for toilet water!!!!! Double :-O I think I can handle the mud...although it was quite the show getting the little kidlets cleaned off (outside) so I could get them through the house to the tub. I scrubbed and scrubbed and soaked and soaked...SUCCESS the clothes are cleaned! Kids are too!

The toilet water thing....gaaaaack! I have scoured all the toilets but still have the heebie jeebies when I hear little slurpee, splashy noises in the vicinity of any bathroom. So...canundrum of the day: To put toilet locks on to keep Josie from dipping into the cool, clear water of the commode....which sounds like a great idea. Except Bella tends to wait for the last second to run through the house pulling pants off as she goes so she can make a skidding stop onto the potty. (Which means...she does not have time to stop and undo the lock)! So...I will either have an unscheduled pee pee station OR a potty mouth. Hmmmmm...

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