Monday, April 26, 2010

Darn seatbelt rules...

Isabella was very excited the day we took the harness belt out of her car seat and she was allowed to sit in the car seat with a regular belt. Whooo hoooo...big girl status was reached!!! It's a milestone for a 4 year old.

The problem we've recently been having is she likes to take the shoulder belt and put it UNDER her arm instead of over the top of her shoulder. It doesn't bother her or cut into her neck or anything. She just likes to be able to reach "stuff" around her...especially the window controls. I don't mind the reaching stuff. I do mind not having the buckle on properly.

On today's trip to the dr for Salt Lake, I had to get after Bella at least 5 times about keeping the belt on the safe way. I have explained. I have threatened. I have cajoled. I have demanded...but that darn belt does not stay where it was meant to be.

We have a "spanking offenses rule" in our family...since Chelsea was a toddler. It is this: You get a spanking if you do something that can hurt you or someone else. That's the rule. You know...for running out in the street. Punching your cousin and knocking his tooth out. Jumping off the top bunk. Dangerous stuff. Not wearing your seltbelt sort of falls into the "can hurt you" category. I explained this to Bella and that the consequence of not having it on properly was a spanking. She didn't get it because withing 10 minutes the belt was under her arm again. GAH!!!

We had about 10 minutes until we reached home. I told her that when we got home I was going to have to spank her for not having the belt on. She's never had a spanking before. She started crying and apologizing and trying to bribe me. The whole time I'm thinking, "WHY couldn't she have kept that darn belt on? WHY, oh why? I don't want to spank her". I almost joined in with her tears. Don't they understand we don't want to punish them?

We pulled up in the driveway and she asks me if she can go potty before she gets a spanking. (She didn't really have to go). As I get out of my buckle she hands up a big beautiful white rock she "collected" earlier in the day. She asked if she gave me her rock if I would not punish her. SHEEESH! I got her out of her seat and we had a heart to heart right there at the car. I didn't want to spank my baby. I briefly wondered if Steve would be home soon so he could do it. I figured I better get it over with so she wouldn't have to suffer. Because, frankly, the thought of it is worse than what is usually given. So...I sort of swatted her behind. More like a little tap on the bottom while I was hugging her. I just couldn't bring myself to make it hurt.

I'm hoping that was enough to make her think.

Although, I could hear her brain saying, "THAT'S it? I worried and cried for THAT? This spanking rule is CAKE!!"

Kenzi's ankle

We went to the orthopedic surgeon today to have McKenzie's fractured ankle checked out. She fractured this ankle in the exact same spot in October 2007...made for a really fun family reunion at Zion's National Park. She was a real trooper "crutching" all the trails that she could!

She refractured it on March 8th in gym class. Poor kid...but was only on crutches for a week and boot cast for 7 weeks. We had to go to the orthopedic surgeon because it wasn't healing properly. Yippeeeeeee....she does not need surgery. What a relief. It has not healed properly but when palpated it was not painful. So, the dr decided she is good to a brace for the next several months and during any activity after that. FOREVER!!!!! Unless, of course, she starts feeling pain or tweaks it. Then back to dr she goes...and my feeling is she'll need surgery at that point. We'll see. Or better yet she will never have a problem with it again. We can hope.

A day in the life of Kenz.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bella's garden

Isabella was quite overjoyed when she discovered the water spigot out front was working. We turn if off for the winter. Steve had turned it on a while ago but she had not discovered this fact until today.

We were in the driveway playing with bubbles and she found a little bucket in the garage. One of her water toys from last year. She (and Josie) like to help me weed around grandmother's roses and flowers. Bella, basically, gets a little shovel and creates a pile of dirt from the flower area onto the driveway. It's all good...we just sweep it back in and occasionally replant a little crocus bulb.

Bella was running from the water spigot, across a little bit of grass, across the driveway, to the roses and her pile of dirt. She was yelling the whole time, "Mom, I'm watering my garden". I figured all was well and the dirt pile could use some water. I got distracted and when I looked up Josie was standing in a puddle of water. I said, "Hey, how did Josie get all wet Bella? Did you make a puddle for her to stand in?" She said, "No mom, she needs to grow so I watered her!"

Well...of course she does! I tried to explain that Josie needs her water to be on the inside in order to grow...but they both thought it was more fun this way. So be it!

As a side note...Josie was quite taken with Bella's garden pile of mud. I turned around to Josie yelling at me. Her hands were covered with mud and her mouth was full. Turns out she needed me to come running to get the "ucky" mud from her mouth in order to decide it was quite delicious and swallow the whole mouthful. Sheesh!

The Wiggles and Prophets.

Didn't think you'd ever see those 2 words in the same sentence did ya?

If you have small children you know who the Wiggles are. An Australian group of 4 fella's who have a show for little kids. Lots of singing and dancing..."fruit salad...yummy, yummy"!

We actually don't watch the Wiggles all that often but the other day Bella decided they were cool and so we watched them. They were doing this cute song about dress up's and how you can dress up and "be" different people. Bella was watching this and naming off all the things they dressed up as..."doctor, fireman....". They came to a spot that they were dressed in tuxes. They looked quite dashing if I do say so myself. Those Wiggles clean up real good.

When they got to this spot with the tuxes, Bella hesitated for a fraction of a second and said, "Prophets, they are dressing up to be prophets"! (big smile). I thought about it for a second and we did just see Conference a couple weeks ago and the men who spoke did look quite dashing in nice suits. :-)

It just amazes me the leaps kids can make!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Little Josie's Biting Toy

Ok...I have found that I am quite an affectionate mom. Especially to my little ones....although my older girls get their snuggles in as well (THAT is a different story). Bella is a major snuggle bug and I love it. Sometimes she wakes up and sits on my lap and says, "Ma ma, this is a snuggle day"! I love snuggle days.

Since Josie was born and able to express her wishes a little, it has become apparent that we have a tiny bit of a problem. Bella love, love, loves to snuggle Josie. Josie for the most part hate, hate, hates for Bella to snuggle her. Josie will be 2 years old in the middle of June. From early on when Bella would snuggle her Josie would scream at her, hit her, pinch her, and now bite her. You would think that Bella would be hesitant to want to snuggle her Josie...but she just keeps getting on that bike. Short memory? Resilient? Compassionate? I'm voting couldn't be that she enjoys pain or that she is lacking in common sense. It really couldn't. She is one of the most sensitive caring little kidlets I've ever met!

Here is the main problem: Bella is constantly touching Josie's face. She doesn't just touch Josie's face...she holds Josie's face. Which is not so good because Josie's face has a mouth...and there are sharp little teeth in there. These are daily things said in my home, "Bella, stop touching Josie's face!" "Bella, really stop touching Josie's face!" "You CAN touch her feet...or her back or an arm!" "Bella, STOP....oh, sweetie...I know it hurts." And just to be fair there is a lot of this too: "Josie, no no!" "Josie, that is an owie...we do not bite!" "Josie, that is not ok!" You get the idea, right?

One day as I was consoling Bella and trying to explain to her how when she's feeling lovey and snuggly that she needs to not touch Josie's you know what I realized I was doing? Horror! I was touching Bella's face. Then like one of those weird crazy mind things that happen I realized that since Bella was born I touch her face. When I pass her in the hall, I reach out and cup her cheek...just a quick little "love you" touch. I touch her head. It was such a blessing to finally get her and she was healthy and wonderful that I used to reach out and touch her just to make sure she was real. As a matter of fact, when I reach my hand out to touch her she will lay her cheek in my hand. The difference between her and me is that my touch is a quick little "love you" touch. Bella has not learned the art of "quick" yet. She just wants to love Josie with a "love you" touch that can end in a "love you squish your face to death" touch.

So, while I console myself that she will eventually learn how to make quick "love you" touches, stop touching Josie's face, learn to move lickedy split fast, or Josie will give up and let Bella love and squish her face all she wants, I feel the guilt of knowing I made this situation. I created Josie a real live biting toy. Wasn't that nice of me?

A side note here: As Josie has gotten older she has allowed Bella to hug her. She will even seek out a hug from time to time. Those times melt my heart! She runs through the house saying "Berrla" and "Where are you?" (in baby words!) It's just those darn face touches that get Belle into trouble! Some day I can just hear Bella thanking me for being so affectionate...when she's trying to apply makeup over the bite scars!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do your socks match?

Our oldest 3 children have had to do their own laundry for several years now. Steve did/does the majority of the wash...bless his soul...and he got tired of them always bringing their "must have done TONIGHT" clothes to him. So...the new family law came to be: Teenagers, do your OWN laundry.

Chelsea and to a lesser degree Jasmine have always had sock issues. Of course, they rarely wash the laundry as it comes. They save it until there are 15 loads and it takes 2 solid days of washing. Oh...the folding and putting away was/is/probably always will be an issue too. (I've tried threatening, bribing, taking big trash bags in the room and collecting all laundry on floor...then they have to "earn" it back. Or I give it away...which kills me because those darn clothes are worth hard earned money!) I've got two more little ones that will be growing into teenagers so any idea's on getting teenagers to fold and put away clothes would be appreciated! That's beside the point...on to my observation.

Chelsea, especially, could care less who's socks she was wearing. I'm assuming the socks were generally clean. But Chelsea used to drive her sisters insane taking their socks especially without asking. I noticed over the years that Chelsea frequently would be wearing mismatched socks. Many times not her own! I asked her about it and she sort of shrugged and said something like, "I don't care if my socks match. I just reach in the pile and get what I get". WHAAAT? Did I raise you to be a mismatched sock wearer? I think not. My small degree of obsessive/compusiveness used to drive me nuts about this.

It's gotten a lot better since Chels went off to college and I don't have to see her walking around in mismatched socks every day. mom brain is thinking...that she has outgrown that tendancy. Today Chelsea called and asked me if I could take her to work. It worked out in my schedule to do that so sure, no problem. We pulled up to her work and as I am waiting for her to enter safely into the building I happened to notice the cute shorts she was wearing. And then my eyes were drawn down to one aqua colored sock and one white sock! "Sheeesh!" I thought as I banged my head repeatedly on the steering wheel.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 age 4.

Okay...I'm not promoting underage marriage! The other day Bella (age 4), Jasmine (age 17) and I were in the car driving along. Out of the blue Bella says, "Mom, I have an idea. We need to make Chelsea (age 19) a husband!!" I kind of snickered a have to know Chelsea to see the humor in this. Some day she's gonna fall in love and she will be all mushy and stuff. Until then she's a "look don't touch kind of girl".

Anyway...Bella has been a little obsessed with marriage lately. I can't tell you how many times I've had to be her prince during make believe. Also, she has admitted to wanting to marry her cousin Alan (who plainly said, "No way"). Bella's first heart break! But then Reed (her other cousin) said, "Sure" when she asked him. Okay...she's gone on from there to admitting she wants to marry Diego from the TV show Go Diego Go. Most recently she's watched one of my favorite shows Holmes on Homes and said (about Mike Holmes), "I want to marry that guy." What's a mom supposed to do?

So, she's wanting to "make" Chelsea a husband. I said, "Wow, OK...what's he going to look like?" And she replies, "He's going to have a hundred legs." was unexpected! I laughed and said, "What else is he going to look like?" She goes on to tell me that he will have 4 arms, but only 2 eyes, 2 ears, and a mouth. I asked her if he would be tall or short...she said, "about daddy's size". I was really trying to picture this. The other drivers around were probably wondering why I had a big old grin on my face. I said, "What color hair?" Of course thinking brown, black, or blonde. I was voting she'd say blonde. She said "Green and long". I then asked, "What color eyes, baby?" To top off Chelsea's dream boat husband-to-be Bella said, "Yellow, yellow is my favorite color!" Yes, yes it is!

Side note...a few days later I saw Chelsea at Wal-mart. I told her about the husband Bella "made" for her. She thought it was sweet that Bella was looking out for her interests...although she wasn't too sure about marrying a centipede! She actually guffawed when I got to the green hair and yellow eyes. She said, "Wow, I love green hair". Hmmmm.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I just wanted to write a couple of things that have happened lately. Easter Sunday....can't wait...loads of fun for the kids. It started out great but we ended up in the urgent care by 10:30 a.m. Poor Bella had/has a urinary tract infection. Quite a painful ordeal for anyone but for a 4 year old...

Needless to say she tried to avoid the bathroom at all costs. SO...we get the antibiotic and hope it takes away the pain...nothing happened first day. Still painful. Second day...still painful...I call the dr and the dr says: (are you hearing the little tune to that statement..."momma called the dr and the dr more monkeys jumping on the bed). Ok...sorry, I digress. I called the dr to see if we could get the handy dandy pill that colors your urine bright florescent orange/yellow. Like eating a zillion fireflies who are in safety orange jackets and having a potty break. (I haven't personally tried that's just where my imagination takes me). SO, we get the wonder pill that will stain your counter tops by the way. Mix it in a little applesauce or yogurt because she has never swallowed a pill before. And voila...we are hoping for pain free. NOPE.

It took 2 more days to have an effect. And here is the part I was getting to that I want to remember. Bella wakes up one morning jumping and doing a major potty dance. "Momma I have to pee!!" She is not liking the idea because it has hurt so badly. I go in with her to wipe...because things will stain bright orange/yellow and makes a mess. Plus I go give her moral support because dang hurts. Anyway...she sits down and starts to cringe expecting pain and way so cool there is no pain. (relatively speaking here) And do you know what that sweet little girls says to me? She says, "MOM!!!!!! It didn't hurt!! Today is a day of celebration all day because my pee pee didn't hurt!!!!"

I just had to chuckle at that. I hugged her and said, "It sure is baby!!"